Introduction: Matthew 5:17-26
In our world we could use a little more stability.
-In the market place – In our relationships – In our families
In God’s world it is all about stability.
We Might Ask: Why did Jesus come? – This may be somewhat redundant.
-The reality of the historical Jesus has been under serious investigation.
-Archaeology continues to affirm what we already know from our Bible.
The Main Purpose Why Jesus Came:
-He did not primarily come to live in us by His Holy Spirit.
-He did not primarily come to obey the Law by keeping it perfectly.
-He came to lay down His life so that we could be redeemed from the grip of sin.
The Law:
-The Law was given to guide believers in God’s principles for life.
-The Lamb was given to be our sacrifice.
-Moses was chosen to be the Law giver.
-Aaron was chosen to be the High Priest.
-In ancient Israel the Law and the Scriptures went hand in hand.
-God arranged it that way – sin and atonement.
-This innocent sacrifice pointed forward to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
-God through out the Old Testament points people to the coming Emmanuel.
-Jesus came to deliver Israel and redeem human beings from the grip and death of sin.
-When Jesus said he had come to fulfill the Law and the prophets.
-He meant – fulfill the great statements in the Old Testament.
What Is The Theme Of The Old Testament:
-Some may say it is primarily historical.
-It could be the birth, rise, and development of a people of God.
It is a record of the evolution of ideas:
-Ideas of God – Ideas of humanity – Ideas of Law, and social justice.
-The above themes are all there.
-The Primary Theme is redemption – The Garden of Eden – Paradise – is what God is after.
-The Theme of the two Testaments God desiring to Tabernacle among us.
-The theme of the Old and New Testament is Jesus our Christ. The Redeemer.
The One Statement In The Sermon On The Mount:
-It is a statement of the righteous foundation of all of God’s dealings.
-They will drive each of us to Jesus Christ.
-It is only in Him that we find Salvation – that is given by God (1 Corinthians 1:24-30).
To Link In With God:
-It requires more than basic moral and ethical standards of religion.
-It requires a righteousness that surpasses what the Pharisees and teachers of the Law had erected.
-God is only satisfied with His high standard of righteousness.
-To link with God is achieved through Jesus the door, Jesus said I am “The Door” (Jo 10:7).
-Human goodness on its own does not qualify.
-It is God’s nature to look on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7)
-Human goodness, righteousness, devalues God’s high standard of righteousness.
What Is The Chief End Of Man:
– The chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever (Micah 6:8).
– This will empower us to overcome urges that condescend on others.
– Our chief asset that we have is Jesus – our transforming agent.
– Therefore we can glorify God who included us in His thought and provision of redemption.
Particular Demand For Internal Righteousness:
-The character of the Christian. Long For
-Poor in spirit. Long For Hunger & Thirst
-Sorrowful for sin. Long For Righteousness
-Meek. Out From
-Hunger and thirst for righteousness.
-Merciful. Out From
-Pure in heart. Out From Hunger & Thirst
-A peacemaker. Out From Righteousness
-Faithful in persecution. Because Of
Jesus Affirms The Law.
-Actually Jesus contrasts His teaching with the Old Testament.
-He escalates the Law to where it was already tending or leading.
-Murder escalates to a prohibition of anger and abusive speech.
-We need to restrain ourselves from giving what another deserves.
-We are called to guard dignity for ourselves and others.
-Striping someone’s identity and placing upon them a defacing identity
is Jesus’ objection – when we do not agree with a leader – we deface them.
-Defacing another person was a major offense in Jesus’ day – make others look like villains.
-We are to outclass the Law and the righteousness of the Pharisees.
-Angry speech – the evil intent is what is wrong.
-The core problem – spiritual degradation.
Anger Does Great Harm:
-In our world of self as the highest good – anger can come easily.
-Churchill Said: A man is as big as what makes him angry.
-When angry words come out, anger wins.
-Our culture is filled with the carnage of anger.
-The fasted horse is unable to outrun an angry outburst.
-Anger is an expression of a distorted heart condition.
-A diseased heart wants someone else out of the way – defacing – discrediting – character assassination – condescending – contempt – etc.
-Anger is an attitude of the heart.
-Jesus has zero tolerance with this type of behaviour.
-We are Salt and Light – Salt and Vinegar belongs in chips.
-Those who speak rude cannot sell honey – But those who speak sweet can sell chillies.
Jesus Presents A Command Of Reconciliation.
-Jesus is reminding us of His attributes – The Fruit Of The Spirit comes to mind.
-To fix our differences is more important then to stay at a worship service (Matt 5:24).
-Healthy relationships are very important.
-Reconciliation is more important than rights and fairness.
-God does not want our offering if we are not right with our brother or sister. Period.
-The heart of God is in reconciliation – reconciliation should be as natural as breathing to us.
Gods Empowerment:
-God empowers us to live at this escalated level of faith.
-God lives in our heart – out of which our moral and ethical lifestyle comes.
-We are filled with the Holy Spirit.
-Peggy Kaufman suggested – The fuller the pot the longer it takes to boil.
When we evaluate our conversation:
-Does it compliment a person.
-Does it imply we are better then they – condescending.
-Does it degrade the other person.
-If it degrades others in their character or person we are guilty of murder.
If our enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:19-21).
-God is saying if we live as He intends us to live, we may face opposition but when it comes He Himself promises to protect our interests.
-When we get to heaven, having lived as Christ lived, we shall be vindicated in the presence of the universe.
-This is indeed possible for each one that is linked with God.